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- Short: File Finder (custom output and search)
- Author: soenke@vapor.com (Sönke Tesch)
- Uploader: soenke@vapor.com
- Type: util/dir
- Replaces: util/dir/Find.lha
- Keywords: Find Search File
- Interface: CLI Shell
- What`s it all about?
- ====================
- This is probably the 10315th implementation of a File Finder. Anyway,
- I spend a full 2½ hours on the first version, even got some mails and
- therefore I like it best and and wrote a smarter update :)
- Find will search in a directory and its subdirectories for objects
- matching a given pattern. You can say where, where not and how deep
- Find should search and if it should return only files or directories
- or both.
- The output is customizable similar to c:lists` LFORMAT option.
- Find does not need any extra libraries nor does it feature a text viewer,
- database or coffee-machine. Want a fancy MUI user interface with fifty-
- thousand buttons? Go and look for another program, Find is CLI-only ;)
- How to use
- ==========
- Name of the file or directory you are looking for. This string may
- also contain standard AmigaDOS wildcards like #,?,~ etc. Please see
- your AmigaDOS manual for further details.
- Find doesn`t support paths here (e.g. txt/Hello) and will return
- error code 210 (Invalid Component Name) in this case.
- Find usually starts searching in the current directory and its sub-
- directories. To let you search in other places the argument ROOTDIR
- was defined in version 1. This argument has been extended and renamed
- to LOCATIONS for Find².
- You may now give any number (well, actually 255;) of directories to
- search in. These names may also contain wildcards.
- Furthermore you can exclude directories from the search by using a
- - or a * as the first character. There`s a small difference between
- the - and the *: * will exclude _any_ directory that matches the
- given name regardless where it`s located. Like PATTERN * works with
- path-less directory names only (i.e. with "blabla" but not with
- "txt/blabla").
- To exclude a directory means to exclude all its subdirectories, too!
- However, you may of course include a subdirectory of an excluded
- directory.
- Take the following directory structure as an example:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1> dir all ;; current directory is Find
- txt (dir)
- test (dir)
- test2
- Find.mod Find.mod_2.0
- Test.mod
- obj (dir)
- Find.obj Test.obj
- testdir1 (dir)
- testdir2 (dir)
- test1
- cmc.opt Find
- Find.lha find.mtx
- find.readme test
- test.mtx
- 1> find test?
- txt/test/test2
- testdir1/testdir2/test1
- 1> find test? test#? printsearched
- Scanning testdir1
- Scanning testdir1/testdir2
- testdir1/testdir2/test1
- 1> find #?st(?|%|.m[a-y]d) ;; AmigaDOS wildcards are powerfull! :)
- txt/test
- txt/test/test2
- txt/Test.mod
- txt/testdir1/testdir2/test1
- test
- 1> find test? *test#? printsearched printskipped
- Scanning txt
- Skipped txt/test
- Scanning obj
- Skipped testdir1
- 1> find test? -txt/test#? printskipped
- Skipped txt/test
- testdir1/testdir2/test1
- 1> find test? -test#? printskipped
- txt/test/test2
- Skipped testdir1
- 1> find test? *txt/test#? printskipped
- txt/test/test2
- testdir1/testdir2/test1
- ;; didn`t work: * doesn`t support paths
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- + is also supported as first character. This will do the exactly
- same as if you omit it.
- · If you have a name that starts with +, - or * you`ll have to
- put one of +, - or * in front of it in order to work correctly!
- · Use "-Mr Spacey:blabla" instead of -"Mr Spacey:blabla"!
- Maximum level of sub-directories Find will search in. The current
- directory (or LOCATION if used) is level 0.
- find EggPaint dh0: depth 0
- will thus search only in the the root of dh0:.
- The default is unlimited.
- If Find finds a matching link it will return the path and filename
- of the file the link points to, _not_ of the link! Therefore you
- may get files very deep in your directory tree although you set
- DEPTH to 1 or even 0. Not my fault, this is the behaviour of the
- NameFromLock() function in dos.library..:|
- Find returns only directories matching PATTERN.
- Find returns only files matching PATTERN.
- HEADER (former STATS)
- Find will print some extra information after the search, e.g.
- 1 files and 5 directories in 2 of 7 places (0 skipped)
- This obviously means Find found 1 matching file and 5 matching
- directories in 2 directories. Find searched in a total of 7
- directories and skipped 0.
- By default Find prints some information about where it is currently
- looking for matching objects to the Shell window. This output can be
- switched off by setting QUIET.
- QUIET doesn`t affect output of PRINTSEARCHED and PRINTSKIPPED, so
- if both of these are set, QUIET is actually useless.
- Setting QUIET may speed-up the search significantly, partly due to
- the fact that text output is relativly slow on some configurations.
- Find prints a list of the directories it searched in.
- Same as PRINTSEARCHED but will print a list of the directories it
- skipped.
- This is similar to the c:list argument LFORMAT. The given string is
- written to the output for every matching object. The following commands
- are supported:
- %s - inserts full path and name of the object
- %n - inserts the name of the object
- %p - inserts the _full_ path of the object. This is different to
- c:lists` %p which prints the path relative to the current
- directory.
- Example:
- Find EggPaint#? format "Found the magnificent %n in %p."
- might output
- Found the magnificent EggPaint in My First Disk:Gfx.
- Find² now automatically appends a carriage return to the end of
- the string. This is different to version 1.
- Stop-That-Work® Option
- ======================
- Pressing ctrl-c will do a full stop, ctrl-e will stop the current
- directory scan only.
- Return Codes
- ============
- Code Level Meaning
- 0 no matching objects found
- 5 warn object(s) found - number is in local variable Result2
- 10 error one or more LOCATIONs not found
- 20 fail Usually out-of-memory condition
- 21 " Arguments didn`t match
- 22 " Wildcards in PATTERN are not valid or a path was given
- 23 " Either wildcard problem or something went wrong while
- searching for matching directories
- 30 " Virus Warning
- Copyright
- =========
- Find, Find.readme and Find.doc:
- Copyright 1997 by Sönke Tesch
- All Rights Reserved.
- You may re-distribute the archive as long as no file is removed or
- changed.
- Find has to be distributed for FREE, any other kind of distribution
- without my written permission is not allowed. However, this is not
- the case for any AmiNet-CD. Others please feel free to ask.
- I do not give any guarantee for the quality and usefulness of Find
- nor that it works as described or fits particular needs.
- Contact
- =======
- Comments, suggestions, bug-reports and Hey-I-use-it!-mails are
- always welcome! Just write to <soenke@vapor.com>.
- Those finer details..
- =====================
- Find features a simple build-in virus self-protection.
- Find is written using Cyclone Modula-2 by Marcel Timmermans.
- The source is available on request, just ask.
- Find is still smaller than this document :)
- History
- =======
- 06-Aug-97 2.03 ¤ bugfix in DoDir()
- + even more optimizations
- ¤ viruscheck wasn`t enabled (boo:)
- a released on Aminet
- 21-Jul-97 2.02 ¤ Fixed bug in output routine (didn`t clear lines)
- + various optimizations to get size below the magic 5k
- + returns error if PATTERN is a path
- ¤ (hopefully) solved problem that ctrl-e didn`t work
- from time to time
- a released on Aminet
- 10-Jul-97 2.01 + Total number of found objects returned in Result2
- + Fixed return codes so that they better match the
- system "standards"
- ¤ Although documented it wouldn`t QUIET did suppress
- + Non-existing LOCATIONs return error code 10
- 09-Jul-97 2.00 + added * to control search
- + FORMAT now supports %n and %p
- a non-public gamma release
- 08-Jul-97 2.00 + search locations may be controlled by +, -
- 19-May-97 1.00 a Version 1.00 on Aminet
- Have fun,
- soenk.e
- --
- Amiga Translators Organization * Main & German Admin, Ex-Human Listserver
- ato : ato-admin-de@ato.vapor.com & ato-admin@ato.vapor.com
- private: soenke@vapor.com